A New Year’s Eve play party that wasn’t…


I’ve hosted a NYE party the past five years at my apartment and invited a variety of friends over. It’s mostly been an evolution of my current friends at the time but was also a mix of old ones that would pop up and join the festivities. But, I was a bit tired of hosting every year so I was going to take the year off…

Until everyone badgered me into it again 😉

But there was a twist. I made a little Google Docs survey to poll friends on their interest in a play party. I soon realized I had definitely reached the critical mass needed to pull one off. So why not NYE?

Part of the survey results

Part of the survey results

Two problems. One, finding enough of them that didn’t already have plans and getting them to come to mine. Two, I didn’t want to leave all of my (for lack of an easier term) vanilla friends out of the festivities. So, I made a second invite to the people I thought would be interested in the play party, telling them about the rules and that they would have to appear vanilla until after midnight or whenever the other people left.

Things went great. Well, for a typical party…of course, an 8pm start meant people started arriving at 9:30pm. But that’s how it goes…

About 8 vanilla friends showed up and we had 19 people total. But four of the vanilla folks hopped to another party for the ball drop. And the remaining four left shortly after. So here we were, just 12:30, and free to break out the sexy fun. Except, everyone was just hitting a great buzz from the champagne right then and were busy chatting!

So as things went along, the mood mellowed out and turned into a circle discussion about the protocols and drawbacks of the kink and swinger scenes (with some poly discussion as well). Fascinating conversation and enlightening to all. It was a wonderful time. For various reasons the energy level dipped and play started to seem like it wasn’t going to happen. It ended up being a wonderful party with great and sexy people, even though there was no play party.

That said! I’m totally stocked up for hosting one in the future. Play parties aren’t cheap to throw but most of the stuff you buy you can reuse so it’s an investment…

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